miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

The last love move

You know... I never got to meet your teacher. I only knew he had lens and he was young looking. That's all. I was freezing yesterday, cold breeze was everywhere and the uni is always REALLY cold. So at 17 I rolled up my last cigarette of the day. Got to smoke it, climbed up the stairs, got the leak and then... You know, I was going downstairs after the bathroom take, and you also know that I don't believe in destiny that much, or maybe is hard for me to believe in some stuff. Only science arrives at my thoughts. But there was this guy, with a fancy light brown duffel coat. And we glanced at each other, and for somewhat reason I had the slight urge to ask him:

Oh hey! Hi... are you, perhaps, Mr. M. M.?
- Yes! Hello. Do I know you from somewhere? Your face looks really familiar.
+ Actually I am a very old one. Am finishing my career soon.
-You're from...?
+I'm from ICO.
-Oh I get it. Tell me, how can i help you?
+Have you got in touch with C?
-Uh... Who is this... Oh yeah, I remember who she is. No, she hasn't done anything lately.
+Well... I am her ex. I just wanted to say that, it's very common for students to watch and seek for their head teachers but, I also know time is going fast, right?
-As far as I know, yeah. Time is coming up. She's right at the end of it.
+So... Can you check on her, please?
-I see you. Sure. I will send her an e-mail, I'm gonna check on her.
+Thank you a lot. It means a lot to me too.
-Well, is there anything else I could help you with?
+No, good man. I hope you guys end up a real good job and I seriously want to push you to do this. I'm moving on and as soon as I saw you, I really felt you were the last person I could talk about her. Thanks for all your time.
-No problem... Uh, what's your name?
+I would love to tell you, but am just a thesis student. Life will link us sometime, maybe you'll get to know in a few weeks. Until then, thank you so much.
-It's ok, see you around!

I know. People have told me that I don't have to do stupid. That I have to move on. That I need to get you out of my head. And also they urge me to get to know more people. Fellas like to tell me I need another woman. Family says I need to heal first (and that is what am doing). Ladies tell me that I need to heal and grow up as a man. Friends love me and they just listen to me.
But I wanted to push you when we were studying. We never stopped being students. We are still the same as before, in that aspect. Am finishing very soon. And I know your time for making this is coming to an end soon too. So I did it for love. Because, also, some part of me tells me I owe you time. And this is the last thing I wanted to push on you. I always told you were such a professional woman. No need for anything. A complete self-taught person. But every single time you told me you needed to go forward, some kind of emotional crisis crashed your head. Your emotions started to blow up, you always cried and I saw how much anxiety you had for this. But come on woman. END THIS. As I am doing too. End this so you can feel the freedom of pushing so much shit back. We both are moving on. And no, this is not a call for you to give me something back. This is what I needed to do a long time ago. It's for me, for my mental wellbeing. And I know you are making it, since you are such a woman.

Y esto es lo último que haré. Porque hay etapas y heridas que cerrar. Porque hay una gran puerta que estoy cerrando con "esa llave". Esa parte en la que se terminaba el ciclo era la que me faltaba para entenderme mejor. Y lo que más me convence es que tu tiempo también está volviendo y te ha demostrado que estás mejor. Y seremos felices, de alguna forma u otra.


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