viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017


She has that factor that no other girl has. I mean, if you could always perceive that weird feeling every time you talk/speak/type with her... You'd know how I feel every time I see her.

Yeah, I didn't use to be a girls man, or a "Don Juan" with ladies... no. It always happened that the only thing I wanted to do was talk or joke about whatever. And they just fell in love or turned a friendship into a talkativeship (?) I just can't find a word for that situation when you become a trash of the words of some random girl or dude, or some friend that you just realized you became that "deposit your shit here" kind of person.

It was ridiculous.

Now that everything has changed... Now that my life had a 720 degree turn... I feel surprised. And I guess some of us have already felt it.

It's so amazing when you get surprises! I mean, you always wish happiness, but hey dude, there's no future if there's no present! almost every thing you like gives you happiness... but how much things or persons do you like but only because of their/it's way to surprise you?!

If you could have that chance, believe me, take it.

At the beginning, it's so risky. Falling in love is something people need to care about. It's not just that easy to fall in love...

But I fell in love with my girlfriend... And until today, I believe it is the weirdest way I've ever felt. So much new things, new feelings, so much of this and that. It's hard to explain now, because my love meaning has no words to describe it. Seriously.

I mean, okay, let's be clear: I haven't fell in love in a hundred percent. But it's because I'm discovering new feelings and I'm also getting surprised every day. We made our routine a little bit different than others! We love how we spend our time in doing or not doing things! Even housework is fun!

She! Yeah! She is the girl that has made me feel like no one. My negra... My beautiful and marvellous negra... You won't ever know how much I love you. You won't know.

Keep surprising me. Keep throwing those fireworks at me. I love them.
I love you, my university's life constant.
Yours forever:

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